Have you had a power outage within your area? Or your Internet service provider recently had outages? These may cause your Indoor + Outdoor Camera to disconnect and go offline. Once the internet / power is back, the Camera should normally reconnect. However, in cases wherein it fails to reconnect, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Check that the power is back / that your internet is up and going.
Make sure to check other equipment first for power. Check for the lights on your WiFi router / modem too to see if all the lights appear to be looking good. Should you wish to double check the internet connection, visit fast.com on any browser available.
Step 2. Unplug the Indoor + Outdoor Camera from the power for 30 seconds.
When sure that you now have power and/or internet connection, kindly unplug the adapter of the Camera from the power source for 30 seconds.
Step 3. Plug the camera back into the power.
After 30 seconds, plug the camera’s adapter back into the power source. There should be a slow pulsing light from the device. Double check the adapter, the wires or the plug that has a USB port that all of these are plugged in / connected thoroughly. Any minor mishaps may cause the Indoor + Outdoor Camera to not reconnect successfully.
Step 4. Reset the Indoor + Outdoor Camera.
Lift the camera, locate the “reset” button at the bottom part of the camera. Make sure to “click” on the reset button for 1 minute or longer until you hear the Camera say “System will reset” then “Your device is ready to pair”.
Step 5. Open the Kangaroo App for pairing.
Look for “Add a Kangaroo Device”, choose the Indoor + Outdoor Camera then click on begin setup. Make sure that the Bluetooth is also turned on. Follow the on-screen instructions until you reach the screen saying, “Your device is ready”.
Should the above steps did not resolve your issue, feel free to contact one of our Support GuRoos for better assistance.
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